
My story begins with my mission to help women in all stages of menopause feel beautiful and energetic again. 

Hi, I’m Glenda Francis, a certified fitness trainer.  I was born in the Caribbean and emigrated to the United States as a child.  I’m in my fifties, married with two grown children and I am post-menopausal.  I was athletic in high school, health-conscious in college, and a health nut during my career days.  But when menopause hit, all my healthy habits stopped working, or at least they were not as effective.  My body composition changed, i.e. belly fat, thinning hair, and low energy.  My diet wasn’t awful.  I was a vegetarian, eating mostly vegetables, fish, and a little dairy.  For whatever reason (I don’t recall), I decided to go vegan, my definition of a vegetable-first diet.  Today we call it a whole-food, plant-based diet.  Whatever you call it, it worked for me.  My weight came down, my energy went up and my skin glowed.  It’s been over seven years and I still feel energetic - most of the time my weight is stable and my skin still glows. 


As for hair loss, I simply stopped using chemicals in my hair.  The hair transition process was wretched, but I’ve gained thickness and length.  To my sisters who are going through menopause and feel the way I did (low energy, weight gain, and thinning hair), allow me to support you in your season of change, help you lose weight, and help you gain your energy back and achieve overall wellness. No promises on the hair, as it has more to do with your genes than your diet.    

After several weeks in lockdown because of Covid-19, a friend sent me a text: “I’m looking to eat better, but I don’t know where to start, so I’m reaching out to Green Leafy Gal.”  I asked her to name the vegetables in her refrigerator.  “Kale, spinach, broccoli.”  Pretty standard veggies. I sent her recipes and invited her to join the online fitness class where I taught periodically.  She loved the recipes and wanted more.

A few weeks later, another friend, who lives in the Caribbean, sent me a text asking for help.  Stress from her job and a recent hysterectomy had caused her to gain weight.  She wanted to go vegan for six months and asked for my assistance.  Lastly, after months of being in lockdown, my family asked me to design a fitness program for them.  They’d gained weight and added inches to their waistlines.  Covid-19 had indirectly taken its toll and it was time to get fit again. 

The common thread in these stories is that they all needed a coach, someone to take them from their current self to their desired self.  They also needed accountability, knowing that there is someone watching them, which puts pressure on them to stick to the program.  Let’s face it, there are probably hundreds if not thousands of free videos on YouTube teaching health and fitness.  YouTube will give you a roadmap, but it doesn’t give you accountability unless you pay for it.  A strategy is easy; execution is a bear!    That’s why you need a coach, an individual who can get you to perform at a higher level than you would on your own. 


Argh! Why is it so easy to gain weight in menopause?